ESCAPE-Evidence significant change parenting education.
Where to start.
We recomend that parents do as many courses as possible.
We have a facebook pages, links opposite.
Escape- offers courses that can help every situation.
We can offer the Sollihull parenting course for free. (just ask for details.)
There are courses at cut prices which are worth every penny if it means that you can keep your children.
Courses such as the freedom course can go some way of aleviating social services focus.
The freedom course for victims of domestic violence.
There are many other free courses on this page.
Advice for families dealing with CAFCASS and family courts.
We are aware of how in the family court the victim can very quickly become seen as the target of child protection CAFCASS and thus the court Judges focus of blame. We are here to help you on this facebook page ( link opposite )
Changes, power in numbers where parents unite.
This is a facebook group page where you may share links to demonstrations and meetings and gatherings.
ESCAPE-Evidence significant change parenting education Facebook page.
Web page
facebook page