Bringing back spirituality My blog. Catherine Love

 I probably haven't got much to say that hasn't already been said before, I say them a little differently, and listening to the conversations on yesterday’s space and those recorded, I realised how everyone ultimately agrees on one thing and that is we need more spirituality in our lives to resolve the problems we face.

Some of us agree that some forms of religion at least do come from an ultimate creator, whilst others view religion as a man-made concept. What we are all recognising is that there are no levels of depravity or inhumanity that Israelis won’t sink to. Those who carry this out can’t believe in any form of spirituality that is created for the good of mankind, whatever or whomever their creator may be,

the form of those who rise to power, it seems to fit a profile of someone with a will to get power at any cost to humanity and most have become compromised as greed and a vision of hierarchy has overtaken their will to work for truth and love.

The truth can be subjective up until you find a dead end in any philosophical practice and the only answer left is there has to be an ultimate creator. there is no other answer than this to my mind. People desperately need belief to help them live more contented lives. knowing there is something more than this life experience.

When we think about the miracle of birth it is just that a miracle, the impossible being possible from which something perfect and beautiful emerges from ourselves and that shows us that we do have good and purity in us. it is there the moment we are born and that purity is what they need to kill in us all and take even from our children. and as Vian quite rightly says there we enter into some real satanic stuff.

it is the darkest part of depravity we can go to and we are seeing it being used by Israel against the Palestinians. I mean how much darker can it go than sodomising other human beings? and dare I say it, children.

I have some understanding of many of the sciences, the paranormal, and religion. I have gone through many different kinds of practices of spirituality and religious practices too. I am learning more and more about Islam more recently Listening to it and reading it just confirms the things I understood with a few bits that have surprised me a lot.

I am going to be honest with you here and tell you that I find I can’t help but put my spin on some of the things I read in religious texts to make it kinder and I understand that to be a flaw in me. I struggle to understand God’s plan and so it is difficult to be perfectly true to his words, that is until I saw with my own eyes some of the depravity these people are willing to go to for their gain and power and they do this through the political system. So Vian and others talking about politics are both correct when one wants to talk about politics and Vian tries to keep this on spirituality. Politics is used as a tool to allow them to get away with all of this and believe themselves to be more entitled than others as if they were kings and queens right there is another line of allowing of depravity in human beings, when we worship another human beings because of royal bloodlines.

Most of these beings have now allowed themselves to become so compromised by another dark entity and that one is man-made and that is Zionism. Zionism is a political vision that was initially colonialism, it is when it became attached to Jewishness that this became a dangerous game.

I risk being seen as an antisemite saying this but that where money puts the glint of the devil into the eyes of the powerful who thirst for sexual depravity using children those people can be easily used. Having seen and read what's in the Talmud it is scary how some of these Zionist individuals think about all of us and here we must separate Judaism from Zionism or we become agreeable to a different genocide. When it comes to such depravity being used it is easy to slip into extremism of all kinds whether that be a religious or political it can all lead us down a dark path and this is where we need some balance.

The trouble is the Western world is enabling this depravity. I have studied psychology and I don't know if Biden is a sick man in the sense that he is senile or he has been so compromised with his depraved sexual needs for children that his mental health has triggered that outcome to the point that he had to stand down only to be replaced by another monster who also enables Zionism.

When people think something is lawful, they accept that it is allowed. We are right now seeing what's being allowed by those in power as the veils of illusions are being lifted from our eyes and what that looks like. as it is being streamed into our homes is horrific unimaginable.

To be able to manage reality we people need something else other than what is created for us by politicians. Sorry to Vian I had to mention this because it is the reality that those who get to power are the most criminal power-hungry mad men and women possible. The very people who should never gain power at all. In a more sane timeline, those people should all be locked away so they cannot harm others in their will for greed and power for themselves. It’s very rare for a good person to gain power. Just look at what they did to corbyn to ensure their establishment politician is put in place.

Their interest is in their self-interest, but all of what we are witnessing is the physical world and the physical is only made manifest through spirit and just as the light can kill the darkness by shining the spotlight upon truth, which makes the darkness end and people awaken.

Only people living a lie or living in hatred for other types of people hate wokeness.

In the same way that the light bringing awareness can kill the darkness, the spirit can also kill the depravity being played out in the physical reality by thinking differently, instead of thinking with anger and hatred we need to raise love, kindness and better understanding in ourselves.

These people have created what we witness through hatred and the only way to kill hatred is through love. Spirituality and religion is a love of something whether it be God or the universe or the energy or light.. whatever you conceive that power to be our love in this world is the most important factor.

We desperately need the spiritual aspects of life to guide us through moral decision-making.. People have lost their way where they no longer believe that guidance is good for them they have forgotten it even exists. They live by man-made laws which they believe is enough.. But just look at what man-made law is doing in our world.

Man-made law can’t even control the leaders who we have been voted to power so how do we or the Palestinians have any chance of controlling them?

We must bring back our belief in conscious creation and a creator because belief is a very powerful thing that manifests and we need to be manifesting using love not some airy-fairy ideology that has no real power. Love is powerful we know it is.. it is impossible to ignore. We need to stop fearing it. Fear of love is a problem we face..We think that relationship love is the thing that ruined our connections to others but what ruins seeing connections, isnt love.. it is a lack of love.. Not enough love. Equally, our fear of a love of God has been diminished in our views that if God were all-powerful how would he allow all that we witness to happen..

The creator created everything in a perfect pattern that if we adhered to his word, life would not have got to this point.. The point is it has because we have lost our love and belief in God and his words.

Our spirituality is a necessity not only to our moral standards but also for our mental health.

Spirituality or Religion has to be the only way the people of Palestine can cope with the horrors they are experiencing. Why do many of us deny ourselves that too?

The fact that mental health is increasing shows us that how we live is not in alignment with our continued survival where people are led to thoughts of ending their lives or to a point of needing drugs just to get up in the morning, let alone be productive beings.

spirituality and religion help us to deal with death and loss. Having a firm belief about What happens after we die is essential to the grieving process and all this death and slaughter is being normalised for a reason, as you say, it desensitizes us to it so we accept it as normal as they take more and more of what doesn't belong to them. Also whilst Removing spirituality and religion they know that this takes away our true power.

We are taught through various media outlets that all Muslims believe the same things as the so-called Radical extremists believe and this is what they want people to believe, again, so they can carry out the atrocities we see in Gaza. blaming it on Islam rather than what is by far the most sinister ideology that I think is firmly based on political agenda and yes it is satanic. it does include child porn, rape and paedophilia.. Zionists are using it to gain power over all of us and the West is fully 100%compromised by this.

I am extremely spiritually minded. and I'm a very deep thinker, I always have been. I have had a lot of loss in life. My real father drowned when I was 15, we lost an uncle he was age 36 to a brain tumour, my nan is my guardian angel died in 2000, I adored her and her, my auntie, then my young brother, he was only 20 years old, my two eldest sons father, my grandad, my mum and my stepfather more recently and when you experience so much death, especially if your parents it makes you think about your longevity and that sets you on a search for were we go after this life.

I take very little at face value and question practically everything. I need to know why, and how it works and reasons for how people think which leads to reactions and then actions such as war.

War begins in the minds of men and women for many various reasons and thought and belief is a spiritual concept in itself, separate from the physical.. When we become physical the spirit drives the physical being which, if we don't have a belief that there is something more, it can take us to all kinds of bad habits and reactions to emotional and psychological pain which people then reach out by buying things they don't need and getting into addictions.

Depending on whether someone has a moral code of ethics like spirituality and religion, that reaction will look very different to different individuals and if they can forgive what religion asks of them or whether they become angry and violent and unforgiving is all about how we think and how we believe.

The duality between good and evil, right and wrong can take us on a path of balance and fairness or one of greed jealousy and torment. I won’t allow myself to go down those dark paths, not even for love.

I have been listening to the Quran and often not properly taking it in, but it takes time, after all most Muslims have had a huge head start on this being born into it.

Our purpose for living a life on this world is to experience and learn how to stay focused and balanced. Our whole life is nothing but a school; one huge lifelong school.

Our human bodies are special hosts as Vian has said before and I agree. This physical being becomes more physical and filled with more pain with the recognition of the evil and the shame that comes with that.

The things that make us feel shame and want to make us need to hide away is what we see as sinful. We desperately need to find a place of focus where sin is not able to overtake our path of awareness of our need for gentleness and kindness. It’s why I love Corbyn. Being able to stay on that path is difficult in a world where politics is so hateful and begins with the individuals need for greed and power.. and so I come full circle. Our leaders and those we vote for take money and are easily blackmailed by the Zionist entity and we need a huge awakening to this. We needed the spotlight shone upon it all and it has been. There is your light right there showing you how evil and how wicked this regime that is Zionism is. God is here showing us as he takes our babies from this horrible evil world into his arms.. Why are we not seeing him in every experience of pain removing our most innocent? We need to awaken others to what is happening without sounding like religious cultists. I'm not too sure how to do that.

I believe that when spirit merges the physical we are split by duality, to experience existence in this physical world. Our ultimate goals are to elevate our souls to higher spiritual levels and thats what they dont want, more than anything because that gives us back the power that we are being drained of right now.

I like asking Dr Mohomed Mogahead about Islam..He is my go-to friend for this.

I also have another friend who is a Sufi thinker. and I am aware that Sufi thinking includes these hemiarches of spirit that the Dr I call Dr M doesn't appear to agree with so much.

Islam or not, I have always believed that, the higher you elevate your spirit through living the best and purest life, the more you do that the more satisfaction you have, and the happier you become. The real you and I are the souls, not our human biological hosts.

We souls are immortal, and cannot die. When our human hosts die, just as anything biological must.. It has a shelf life...we slip back to God. God is the ultimate spirit, and we are judged upon how well we learned our lessons whilst here.

So, each soul is the spirit that has become split by duality when we first become physical out of the spiritual idea of the difference between what is real and what is unreal. To me, spirit is more real than the physical world. It has to be, it came first..

We all have varied periods of reflection on the physicality of our lives, especially for those who have experienced war. I can only imagine those who have caused others so much suffering in this life will be dragged down in so much pain and guilt once they shed the physical body and all that is material matter is gone, they see for themselves what they have allowed their spirit to become.

the physical being I think is the pain body that experiences the pain from an individual perspective.. upon death, we experience the pain from all perspectives especially that of those we have harmed to and so the spirit will experience it intensely, which is why we must change now to at least be forgiven in his mercy.

Becoming a Muslim wipes the slate clean and that feels beautiful. I dont want to ruin it but we are living in such very dark times.

Seeing people are having metal rods put into anuses is something so sinister it doesnt seem to be easily understood but where people are gaining sexual pleasure by such methods I think this is where God’s words in regards to anal sex come into play. This is another conversation I am having with Dr M currently.

Nobody is perfect but when we take actions that can compromise us, this is where it leads.

I think that those who sin, I mean sin, depraved like sin, killing children like sin, I believe that when they go back to God, the way they have lived I can only imagine would cause them to go through such an intense experience upon the realisation that we are not anything when we are dead and they have to face what they allowed themselves to become.....

I dont know if this is correct but I think some spirit may not survive this intense experience....

I believe those who have committed crimes against humanity and others will be flooded with the fear of death that they have caused to others because of their own actions.

Especially things that could have changed the way things might have happened, like a better path that could have saved lives from pain and suffering had we taken a different action, especially one that has been instructed in the Quran and that we ignored.

I guess the outcome of those actions are our punishment here and now because we have deviated from the path that has been instructed for us to be on and all we can do now is take action by speaking up.

As those who go unpunished here, I can’t even begin to think of the suffering. it would be more than we are witnessing even now in Gaza as each individual will have their horrific experience, imagine being the one who has perpetrated all of this. It doesn't bear thinking about and we may try to do what we can to warn them of what they will face but I think there is a state that you get to where you will only speak your truth and stop trying to convince others of it, realising that everyone has their path. In other words, you can’t convince a baby to walk when it is not at that stage in its development. Like when it is at the stage of crawling, to convince them of the truth that they will be able to walk would be futile. They are just not ready and it appears that not even witnessing the mass murder of babies is enough, so what do you do?

Everyone is at different stages of spiritual understanding even those who profess to be atheists has a spiritual belief whether they believe so or not. To not believe there is a God puts God into their minds...It’s like asking someone not to think about a cat... the moment the word is said you are thinking of a cat..

Now I know a lot of what I am saying here is not in the Quran and I have been accused of being egotistical for having other ideas but please remember I too am losing my old self and learning something new and that requires patience.. or people like me who wants to learn and understand will not be able to fully take on something that has been portrayed to us as being backward and evil and just like unlearning our need to self protect as an organic being it takes a lot of time and energy to keep going back and reading what is said and so my friends have been helpful and patient with me and for that I am grateful.

When I know how I am thinking some things cause me to want to vary a little so the Sufi Idea allows that, which I like. Whether it is right or wrong I can’t say, it’s just my feeling and I do try not to deviate too much from the Quran and I always go back to Dr M when I feel I am deviating too much.

Usually, we have to make those mistakes many times over, to learn about how that plays out in the collective conscience just as right now we are seeing that we have not learned from previous lessons which led to war and genocide before and so the consequences is what we are seeing played out there in the world, the fear and pain of one child experiencing war and death like I was saying previously but for those people, it must be horrific in and of itself but imagine being responsible for the pain of thousands.. the pain of a child being raped and tortured the pain of a child AND doctors and nurses being buried alive, the pain of those prisoners being sodomised.. all at once, not one experience but all of it. I would imagine that feeling all of that pain would need to have the soul cleansed and fires of hell would be preferable. Just as the brave soldier who lit himself on fire, Aaron Bushnell he chose to cleanse himself here in this life. I can only imagine his entry into heaven or whatever he believed the afterlife would be like will have been pure and beautiful. He already walked through his hell. May he be forgiven and know he is deemed a hero in many of our eyes.

Me being me, I used to see the flames of hell is a metaphor and as more spiritual in its meaning and is more about cleansing and I know once again thats me trying to stop the pain by seeing it a little differently than those people deserve..

Watching babies being blown to bits we can see why God would want some to go to the flame of hell and fire.

The pain of seeing and feeling how our behaviour has affected others would hurt a hell of a lot and that pain would remove that guilt and certainly stop us from ever doing such things to others again.. This is where they say God is merciful and forgiving.

Ultimately the main lessons to learn in life, are love and compassion. Many have called me naive in this thinking.. I call it far from being naive. I call it being aware of a fate that could be unimaginable and choosing not to go there.

When people die, I believe their purpose for living here is done. You may not have accomplished all you set out to do, and you may not want to die, yet. When you die, the human host stops working and you go back home to your creator, to God Or Allah, whatever you conceive him to be.

He is the highest of high of all spirit and all energy and the intelligence of this energy knows all and is all. Our own intelligence is limited by the organic human brain. manifested by all that we witness and make sense of through the limitations our brain puts out there. Sin creates a duality, the difference between good and bad pure and evil and all the opposites of everything that we notice more and more of as we exist and take control of our spirituality and so our life, or not as the case may be.

Only spirit can witness other spirit our organic minds can only perceive the organic physical self channelled through a physical brain which is a processor of energy manifesting the physical and all of its physical walls and barriers that we put up as self-protection in this physical life that we view as being more real, but it is not.

There are so many things that do not matter at all. Those things have no value in the spiritual world. Our true homes are not here on Earth. Our true homes are in the afterlife. Living a physical life is just a brief period of specialized learning that the physical world provides. Eventually, all of us will go back to the afterlife. The good news, it's a wonderful place, where love is overwhelming. No more pain after you have gone through the cleansing process and I imagine that you would wonder why you ever left in the first place.

Everyone you have ever known and loved, who has already passed, is there and very much alive, just as you will be. You can see them all again. The worst thing about "dying" are the people left behind who experience great sadness and loss for their loved ones.

If people reading this or listening can understand what I have been saying, sadness should be more bearable, because they know their loved one is alive and well, and very happy. Souls, in the afterlife, don't see death like we do here. I imagine all those little children are playing happily right now with no memory of their manifested life experience.

I believe Allah being the most merciful allows The death of the human host to not be such a big deal to them because death is like changing your clothes for another outfit. You are still alive, you still have all of your memories, other than the fear that you experienced upon death and you feel great.

During my search for the truth, I have learned there is no such thing as nothing. Nothing doesn't exist. It makes no logical sense for me to be self-aware for such a short time (my life), for it all to disappear, and turn into nothing like I never existed at all. What is the purpose? To me, one of the greatest miracles of all is to become self-aware.... like hey... I exist! I know that I am.

If I thought I would turn into nothing and lose my self-awareness, I would be thinking about that almost every day. It would be torture for me. Why go through this torture if I'm going to die, anyway, and turn into nothing? Dying and turning into nothing just doesn't make any sense to me. Sure.... the physical body dies and the brain stops functioning. But there is another part that continues. It is a concentration of energy that is self-aware. This requires no physical host and exists quite nicely without it.

We use physical hosts for learning experiences in the physical realms to overcome challenges that don't exist in the afterlife and gain mental strength. I have seen, read, and heard too much anecdotal evidence that shows me there absolutely is such thing as the soul and it is immortal. And that's who we are. I feel sad for those who do believe that when we die, we turn into nothing and that's it.... lights out.... poof... we're gone.

Aside from what I am understanding when reading the Quran, what I have shared with you are just my opinions. They don't mean anything. I can't prove anything I have shared is true. I'm just another person who wants to learn the truth

As for religion unlike many others I feel understanding religion aids in spirituality, it helps us to understand one another better.

Understanding God and what God means to each of us is a huge thing.. To know how each of us thinks about who and what created them tells us a lot about them too.

Hugs Catherine x