The sun sets in muddy pools

Today I was asked about a text in the Quran that says that Mohammed PBUH states that the sun sets in muddy pools. I have looked and inquired into this and built my perspective from it as it is said that Allah has allowed us to test his words with science. My conclusion and it is just that, my conclusion and nobody else’s, is that spiritual texts should be read as that, as spirit not physical. We are multifaceted beings. In many cases, mockery which the person asking me, rather than trying to understand can cause us all to appear foolish. So this is my conclusion.

I am on this journey to understand not to defend. However, the words about the sun setting in a muddy pool, I am told were not attributed to Mohamed directly but to a traveller. Mohamed himself stated in this case “Only Allah knows" but the traveller who had travelled to the farthest parts of Earth saw the sun set in a muddy pool the traveller's perspective would make him appear foolish. Therefore the human perspective is unknowable.

I am very much a believer that we are computer-generated and living within a hologram. This does not mean I wish to remain unknowing of spiritual texts nor does it mean I do not believe in an ultimate creator, I do. I want to understand it and so I am learning. Having enquired on this statement I have found that before Mohamed PBUH stated it sets in a muddy pool states only Allah knows.

If we are within a computer-generated matrix even the perspective of us humans seeing the Earth as a globe could be wrong and the reality is that atoms are 99.9999999999999% space. This is because the nucleus of an atom is very small compared to the atom's overall size. For example, if the nucleus were the size of a peanut, the atom would be the size of a baseball stadium. We are spiritual beings made up of almost nothing having a human experience. This is my actual perspective. The perspective of science has not even begun to understand it properly and we as humans are not ready to either. Tell a crawling child he can walk would be futile. He is not yet ready to understand and sees his view from a limited perspective through a physical human processor, the brain. You will see Earth as a physical thing, not a spiritual one made of thought because of how you project it to be. Therefore the traveller projects the sun in the muddy pool and yet only Allah knows. Not even science is ready to tell that us nothing is real. and that the consciousness having collected memory cannot die and will always exist and so will project experiences into the world of which he (the ultimate intelligence) creates through us and any rulebook keeps us guided as long as we choose it. If we want to project a better world in which to live we desperately need that guidance.

Catherine Love